If you're responsible for a child, you can normally get Child Benefit for them - even if you're not their parent.
You can get Child Benefit even if your child doesn't live with you, as long as:
- you pay towards their upkeep
- what you pay is at least the same as the amount of Child Benefit
- the person your child lives with is not getting Child Benefit for them
The amount you can get for Child Benefit is:
- £24.00 a week for your eldest child
- £15.90 a week per child
Child Benefit payments usually stop when your child reaches 16, unless they are in education or training that counts for Child Benefit.
If your child is in education or training, you can carry on getting Child Benefit until their 20th birthday.
Education or training that counts for Child Benefit is one of the following:
- full-time, 'non-advanced' education (for example 'A' levels)
- NVQs and other vocational qualifications up to LEVEL 3
- 'approved' training
Your child needs to have started, enrolled, or been accepted for one of these types of courses before the age of 19.
You can't get Child Benefit if your child is doing:
- higher education, such as a course at university level
- education provided by an employer
- training that is part of a job contract
If you or your partner get Child Benefit and your or your partner’s income is over £50,000 you will have to pay a tax charge. In this case, you can choose to either pay it at the end of each tax year or opt out from this benefit.
To claim Child Benefit, you need to provide the original Birth certificate of your child and the original passport (if the child was born outside Great Britain).
Our friendly team of professional benefits advisers would be happy to assist you in claiming Child Benefit.
Please contact us on 07789758177 / 02082211165, and we will help you find out if you are eligible to receive Child Benefit.
E15 4PH
T: 0208 22 111 65
Мob.: 077 897 581 77